What Is Alignment Coaching?

Gina T Mentor - Spiritual Life
4 min readSep 30, 2022

What is Alignment?

Alignment is what we strive for in our lives, no matter what we call it and no matter what the situation. When something is not meant for us, we find ourselves trying too hard to make it work. It’s not that hard work isn’t necessary to make your dreams come true, it’s a different kind of hard, something that doesn’t feel right in your gut. How many people have taken advice from parents, teachers, or even peers and have followed a path that led them to lack of joy? You have heard the stories, they go as far as possible in university studies and then hit a wall because somewhere alone the way they’ve lost their joy.

This path was not in alignment with their spirit and soul, it was by someone else’s encouragement or urging for whatever reason they saw fit. It might have even been well-meaning motivation, but it still does not resonate completely. Even if we encourage ourselves to do something, we might find that it is not cohesive enough to bring the satisfaction we need to follow through.

When something is meant for us, it is effortless and pleasant to reach. It never ceases to amaze me how each of us is uniquely made and developed to the degree of our unique calling in life. Two people doing the same, exact good work will not be doing it the same, exact way or reaching the same people at the same level and will not have the same, exact results. Each person has a unique path that is improved and reinforced by individualized experiences, thoughts, and beliefs. This leads us to where alignment is found and focused on with this type of coaching.

It’s on the Inside

If you know these verses in Romans 7:15–20, the New Living Translation, you know that it tells us of Paul’s dilemma: “I don’t really understand myself, for I want to do what is right, but I don’t do it. Instead, I do what I hate. But if I know that what I am doing is wrong, this shows that I agree that the law is good. So, I am not the one doing wrong; it is sin living in me that does it. And I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature. I want to do what is right, but I can’t. I want to do what is good, but I don’t. I don’t want to do what is wrong, but I do it anyway. But if I do what I don’t want to do, I am not really the one doing wrong; it is sin living in me that does it.”

I don’t completely agree with his conclusion. Blasphemous? I don’t think so since we are told to not just blindly believe everything we read or hear, but to test it and go directly to God for answers. From everything I have read, heard, learned, and have been inspired by, it is very clear that we are spirit, which is in the image of God, Divine energy that is unseen. The spirit of who we are is living in a body and we have a heart (emotional connection) and mind (thinking connection), which make up our soul to accommodate living on this earth. Our soul is also the part of us that has a free will and has the privilege of making choices.

2 Peter 1:3 says, “By his divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life.” Notice it says “has given”, past tense, we already have it. How much do we have? EVERYTHING!! We have already been given everything we need {on the inside, in our spirit} to live a godly life and to be in alignment within and with God.

Considering this, it seems clear that our spirit, which is made in the image of God, knows without a doubt what is morally right as well as what is right for us; and our soul might know the same thing, but in our soul, we are motivated by thoughts and emotions. These thoughts and emotions may lead us in a good direction or not through our words and actions. Fortunately, as long as we are on this earth, we can always find our way back to our alignment within and with the Author of Life. The conclusion is very evident that alignment is an inside job.

Can Coaching Take You There?

Cohesive alignment coaching can definitely give you tools and strengthen your resolve to unite these parts of who you are so that you can live a more satisfied life, building meaningful relationships, and contributing to the world around you with renewing joy. There are many aspects to this process since there are many facets to who you truly are. However, it’s not beyond reach. It is important to confidently prepare your heart and mind to gracefully release all that is not meant for you so that you can assuredly and humbly receive what is intended for your life.

Next post will outline some pieces of this process. If you’re ready to work with me at any time, feel free to connect. Ciao for now!

NOTE: Every aspect of my coaching is based on scripture and belief in God as the Creator and Author of Life. I am not religious and will never expect anyone to aimlessly follow a certain belief without completing their own research. Be a seeker, ask and you will find; be brave, courageous, and playful on this adventure of life!



Gina T Mentor - Spiritual Life

I help raise your level of fulfilled daily life through a profound connection between your soul and spirit with Holy Spirit inspired relationship to eternity.